Conclusion of MOU with Cayetano Heredia University, Peru
Remedy & Company Corporation (Located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Group CEO: Masakuni Ukita, hereinafter referred to as “We”), have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the private Peruvian university, Cayetano Heredia University (Spanish: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia), regarding the implementation of clinical trials targeting infectious diseases.

Cayetano Heredia University is a pioneering higher education institution in the research area of infectious diseases in the South American region and has conducted numerous clinical trials on the subject matter over the years.
As a service provider of a platform for global development of infectious diseases, we believe a corporation with such institution means pathing the way to clinical trials conduction on drug candidates developed in Japan in South America while promoting trials on drug treatment, vaccine, diagnosis reagent and etcetera for infectious diseases and non-transmittable disease that are difficult to be studied in Japan.
Our self-awareness to our strength in supporting clinical development in the area of infectious diseases has let us embark on this new endeavor to join hands with the Global South and expand our network in the South American region so as to promote the development of clinical trial system not only on existing global infectious diseases, but also on the “next” potential pandemic.

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Remedy & Company Corporation PR Group